National Art Honor Society Artist Showcase
The National Art Honor Society provides recognition, opportunities, and scholarships for exceptional students of the visual arts. There are more than 54,000 members across all 50 states, as well as 25+ foreign countries. The mission of NAHS is to champion “creative growth and innovation by equitably advancing the tools and resources for a high-quality visual arts, design, and media arts education throughout diverse populations and communities of practice.”
At Canton High School, our chapter of the National Art Honor Society is in its second year and is actively working to grow and develop. NAHS is especially important in Canton where arts opportunities can be limited to the small size of our school. So far we have hosted an event for seniors to decorate the graduation caps, and we are in the process of hosting a coffee house fundraiser that will include a student art display and live painting. We are also beginning a mural on the wall by the ramp that connects the technology hallway to the arts hallway.