“I would tell future seniors to stay on top of your work and make sure you’re getting your assignments in on time. I would also tell them to make friends with all sorts of people before you leave because this is your last chance to get to know people you didn’t already know before.
“I also wish I knew that I could start applying to colleges earlier in the year. Don’t procrastinate, putting off work is bad for yourself.
“And I would tell underclassmen to have a wide variety of interests so you can figure out what you like and what to keep pursuing. Figure out what you like and base your life off of it.
“Some of my own interests and extracurriculars are: I am Rho Kappa– the social studies honors society–president I’m also president of the Spanish National Honors Society and a member of National Honors Society and the LEO club. I’m a student representative for the Board of Education and captain of the tennis team. I also played varsity field hockey in the spring. I have to do sit-ups to get myself to wake up some mornings because of all the early meetings. Outside of school, I like to listen to music and watch movies and rate them on the app Letterboxd.
“I chose to run for president of two honors societies because I’ve always enjoyed leadership roles. I’m a camp counselor as well so I like to help out. I think that I love to work hard and I seem to fit leadership roles well, I mean, I ran for president of the honors societies and they elected me. The role isn’t always easy, though. Sometimes it’s hard for me to come out of my shell.
“Ms. Mo was an inspiration to me because of the way she loves what she teaches and throws herself into everything that she does. I plan to major in history because she inspired me with her love of AP U.S. History when I realized I didn’t love my current choice of major.
“With my future degree, the dream job would be a museum curator, which is a difficult job to get, but I have a strong work ethic.
“I do not know where I’m going next year for school, but I’ve been accepted into 14 colleges and universities and I’m debating between some of those.
“I don’t consider myself grown up in the slightest. I like to joke I’m physically seventeen and mentally eight. There’s still a lot I have to learn about in life and experience and I hope college will help with this. I hope I meet new types of people and from that learn more about myself.
“My goal for the future is to be successful and live a happy life.”