Logan Haynes is a sophomore at Canton High School, and a budding photographer. First getting started in photography in high school, he has agreed to share and talk about his favorite pictures taken with his digital Canon camera, which capture instances of personal importance.
What got you started in photography?
“I took Film and Digital with with Ms. Klusek – she’s so funny.”
Yes Ms. Klusek is a very animated person. So what’s this first picture?
“It’s a wood bridge! It has metal walls, and my favorite is walking on the wooden floors. I’ve been walking on this bridge for years with my family.”
So it’s a place you’re really familiar with?
This picture looks very cool – almost like out of a movie.
“I really like how the ice looks sharp on the river – it looks like an underground river! This one is my favorite.”
It’s your favorite? Really why?
“Because I like that the bridge is in the forefront, with the river behind it! I like the contrast.”
That’s very true – what about this next one?
“I like the patterns! I took this while I was hanging out with my brother, Ethan.”
I know your brother, he was in my grade! He went to a different school though. Are you close to Ethan?
“Yes we are very close!”
That’s awesome. Is that the old axe factory?
“Yes! I really like the smoke stack because I like watching the smoke rise up into the air. I took this picture around Halloween!”
Really? What were you for Halloween?
“I was Batman!”
Ahh DC fan; My favorite hero is Storm from X-Men. Wow, in this picture, the blue is so eerie.
“I noticed the contrast of the blue and white.”
It certainly is significant! Is this the last picture?
“Yes it is a like the waves going down the wall, and I like the arches too!”
I like the arches too! Thank you so much for sharing your pictures with me Logan! I really enjoyed it.
“You’re welcome!”
Artist Profile: Logan Haynes
May 18, 2018

Logan Haynes observes local beauty through the lens of his camera.
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